Tax Deductions for Production Workers

Anyone who works on a production line, as part of a team, or is responsible for the logistics and distribution of products may be eligible to lower their tax liability by deducting unreimbursed expenses. Your employer will provide a Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement which will document your salary and withholdings.
Job-related expenses you incurred can be deducted, though you should have receipts to document your expenses. Certain costs that can be deducted include:
- Subscriptions to trade publications and industry magazines
- Union dues and labor association fees
- Safety-specific work equipment, like steel-toed boots
Educational expenses, such as seminars and training courses, may be deductible if you incurred cost that your employer didn't reimburse. The courses have to refresh your skills, teach you new developments in the industry, or be vocational to be deductible, as long as they aren't required for you to meet your minimum requirements for your job. Additionally, the classes can't qualify you for a new job in another field or career, or be general studies that are not specific to your current trade.